FISH ON! - Sailing to the VERY LAST Bahamas Island :0

FISH ON! - Sailing to the VERY LAST Bahamas Island :0 Hurricane season is approaching and it is time we really start working South so we set sail for Great Inagua, the very last Bahamas Island. We stopped at the very Southern tip of Acklins Island for the night and on our way there we got a few fish on under sail, one of them being a Skipjack Tuna!! Living on a sailboat is absolutely amazing and we are so lucky we can provide some meals for ourselves just by having a few lines out while we are sailing!

The Tula Shop -

Support our videos through Patreon -

Amazon Affiliate Link (just click and do your normal amazon shopping - no extra cost to you) -

Tula Tech Talk - 

Jetty’s Vlog!!! 

iPad (we use Navionics app sold separate) -
Waterproof case for iPad (camera doesn’t line up for 6th generation) -
Cradle for iPad mini in case (a little bulky but it works well) -
Mount for iPad mini in cradle (buy multiple bases for multiple mounting locations) -

Raw Elements Sunblock -   Use code “Tula” at checkout for 10% off!
Towboat U.S. unlimited towing (we used them and glad we had the membership otherwise our tow would have cost over $550!) -
Waterproof Handheld VHF -
Mantus Anchor (we have the 45lb.) -
The best headlamp we’ve ever used (waterproof and red light setting) -
Great Floating Ditch Kit -
Man Overboard Device (uses DSC, AIS, and has built in strobe)-
Smart Boat System - we love this because we can monitor our whole boat from an app -
Inflatable Paddleboard -
Sierra’s Bikinis -
DC Boat Fridge/Freezer (Full of Sierra’s Ice-cream..) -

Our main camera now -
Best Drone for Flying Underway (relatively cheap - compared to others - but amazing quality and functionality and has legs to grab) -
Other Drone (Folds up super small for brining everywhere -
Gopro Hero 7 (For the underwater shots and smooth stabilization) -
Flexy Tripod for phone -

Essential Boatlife Reading:
Chapmans Bible (should be on every boat or in every boaters home) -
This Old Boat (Good if you are fixing up an old boat like we do) -
"The Essentials of Living Aboard a Boat" -
"Twenty Small Sailboats to Take You Anywhere" -
"20 Affordable Sailboats To Take You Anywhere" -
“Dove” (Inspiring) -
“Maiden Voyage” (Also inspiring) -
“Swell” (Modern inspiring) -

Check out our sponsors and affiliate partners!
Raw Elements Sunblock -   Use code “Tula” at checkout for 10% off!
Hobie Polarized -  Use code “TULA2019” for 20% off!
Towboat U.S. unlimited towing (we used them and glad we had the membership otherwise our tow would have cost over $550!) -
Benny and Jack Nautical Dog Collars and Leashes -
Flying Fish Paddle Boards
Mantus Marine -
Siren Marine -
Ocean Signal -
Highfield Boats -
MG Surfline -
Waterlust Apparel
Engel -

All our music is licensed from Epidemic sound unless otherwise noted here
#tulasendlesssummer #boatlife #sailing

boat life,living on a sailboat,living on a boat,bahamas sailing,sailing the bahamas,catamaran sailing,Fish on,Fishing under sail,Fishing from a sailboat,fishing in the bahamas,tuna fishing bahamas,tulas endless summer,
