Meghan McCain says Trump is "obsessed with the fact he’s never going to be a great man" like her fat

Meghan McCain says Trump is Meghan McCain responded directly to reports that the USS John McCain was ordered to be hidden "out of sight" by White House officials ahead of President Donald Trump's visit to Japan this past weekend, Speaking about the news, which was first reported by The Wall Street Journal, at the opening of ABC News’ The View on Thursday morning, McCain, who is one of the show’s co-hosts, slammed Trump. She said that the president is “obsessed with the fact that he’s never going to be a great man” like her late father. McCain is the daughter of former Senator John McCain of Arizona, who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam.   An email dated May 15 was reportedly sent to military commanders in Japan, including a directive which read: “USS John McCain needs to be out of sight.” According to the WSJ report, Acting Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan was aware of the order in the email and approved it so that the warship would not impact the president’s trip to the Asian nation. Responding to the report on Thursday, Trump argued that he was personally unaware of the decision. “Now, somebody did it because they thought I didn’t like him, OK?” the president said. “They were well-meaning, I will say. I didn’t know anything about it. I would never have done that.”  McCain, in her opening remarks on The View, seemed to dismiss Trump’s statement, suggesting she believed he may have been aware. “First and foremost, I had journalists emailing me on Memorial Day about this, asking me, just sort of giving me a heads up this was happening,” she said. “So this idea that people didn’t know is ridiculous. They’re journalists I trust.” Continuing her criticism of the president, McCain said she didn’t “blame the people in the military. I have nothing but respect for people who serve.” “Just putting a note on this, there’s a lot of criticism toward me in the media across the board. How often I speak of my father, how I grieve, how I do it publicly,” she continued. “But it’s impossible to go through the grief process when my father has been dead 10 months [and] is constantly in the news cycle because the president is so obsessed with the fact that he’s never going to be a great man like he was,” she said, as The View ’s audience began to applaud loudly.   McCain also pointed out that the warship was actually named for her grandfather and great grandfather “who were the very first four-star admirals in the Navy.” She said that they were “integral in ending World War II and the Vietnam War.” Trump has long criticized the late Senator McCain, a fellow Republican who was seen by many to be a moderate voice within his party to counter the president’s more extreme positions. The president has drawn substantial criticism from Democrats, many Republicans and veterans groups for his repeated attacks on McCain. Not only has the president criticized the late senator's politics, but also mocked him for being captured and held as a prisoner of war. “He’s not a war hero,” Trump said during

