Hydrogen Power Self-sustaining - Unbelievable But Proven True! H2IL

Hydrogen Power Self-sustaining - Unbelievable But Proven True!  H2IL Discover a technology that is grabbing the attention of energy based corporations and entrepreneurial like minded people.

One of many data lodged spreadsheet of a game changing energy solution. More energy out than input energy enabled self-sustaining energy generation in virtually any location 24/7. This test proves this claim with a 2 hour period of external power generation in addition to self powering and an average 350% efficiency from the small size Galvanic Enhanced Electrolyser (G.E.E.).

View full report in the VERIFICATION page: www.h2innovationlab.com

How the science enabled such high co-efficiency:

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Power,Game Changing,Electricity,Generation,Self-sustaining,Energy,2019,2020,Hydrogen,H2IL,
